Friday 1 June 2007

Finding @ on a German computer

Finding @ on a German computer is the biggest challenge we have had to face so far. It is also impossible (for me) to drive the blog posting process in any language other than German. God help us when we get to Poland. Most of the facts you might want are on the map link to the right of the page.
Today we are having a day off cycling and are trailing around Lübeck looking at churches. Demark was good for cycling but Germany is fantastic with most roads having high grade cycle tracks along the side. We are often tempted to take diversions off into the wilds but this often ends in tears.
By the way to a man who weighs 90 kg and is riding 40 kg of bike denmark and Germany are very hilly.
From now on I will write in black and Sarah will write in Blue
Some strange things I have learned
- there is no road kill in Denmark or Germany - where are all the hedgehogs, rabbits, foxes and badgers?
- there is also absolutely no litter along the roads or anywhere
- so much for a healthy lifestyle - everyone smokes like chimneys and all the restaurants and pubs and this internet caff are reeking - and food is very salty.
- on the otherhand loads of people cycle, including loads of people even older than us.
- Ted tells me that everday each leg pumps up and down 80,000 times - no wonder I've got a sore arse

We are staying in Malente in a house that was used by a Major in the British army as his HQ just after the war. In spite of this the owner insisted on hauling down the Landesflag and raising the union flag when we checked in.

Did we forget to tell you that we are enjoying ourselves. Tomorrow we are off into the former GDR, where things might get challenging.

If you want to see our weather forecast click this